Wednesday, February 15, 2012

King Kratom Indonesian Kratom Review

King Kratom

Kratom King comes is both kratom capsules as well as a powder.  This kratom review is based upon the capsules but it really does not matter, as it all the same indo kratom.  It is all a matter of preference.  Kratom King is available in either 6 capsules, or you can save by getting the package that contains 20 kratom capsules.

Kratom Effects

The kratom effects of the King Kratom extract are on point with other Indonesian kratom products.  Nice calming, pain relief that last for hours.  The kratom effects became apparent at about the thirty minutes mark, and lasted for another solid four hours before dwindling down.

You can buy King Kratom for $20 for 20 kratom capsules.  Which is a pretty good deal and is only $1 a capsules.  You can grab some Kratom here.  If you go with 20 pack it gives you more for more pain relief sessions.

1 comment:

  1. Kratom King is *expensive*. Much better deals out there.
