Tuesday, January 31, 2012

VicoZen Review

Vicozen Review

You may have seen the product called Vicozen.  Vicozen is a basically a Kratom based product with some other herbs thrown in.  It comes in a handy little 2oz shot.  Which is necessary because the taste is very bitter and you'll want to down this as quickly a possible.

VicoZen is labelled as a an natural painkiller.  The directions for use are as follows:(This is coming directly from the bottle)  "Take Vicozen 10-40 minutes before desired results and enjoy.  The good stuff settles to the bottom over time so shake very well before use. The highly active herbal ingredients are bitter so shoot it quick or mix it in fruit juice or a smoothie to minimize the taste. If mixing, be sure to consume the entire contents of the bottle within 20 minutes.  Experienced users may take two shots, but one shot is suggested especially for the first time users.  Typical effects last 2-5 hours."

Buy Vicozen Here

What is in Vicozen?

The ingredients in the 2oz shot are: purified water, ginger, raw can sugar, citric acid, proprietary anti-plan blend(Extracted and purified passion flower, lemon balm, chamomile, valerian, Californa Poppy, Kratom, Gotu Cola, Ashwagandha) natural flavors including rose, blackberry, and orange flower.

Vicozen Effects

For starters you will want to pound this down all at once to get it over with.  It not all that bad but it is not all that great either.  I would recommend chasing it down with your beverage of choice.  The effects of Vicozen is basically the same as any other kratom effects you get from other kratom powder or kratom extract products.  Good for helping with the pain, and can be good at keeping you relaxed, but with the price around $10 a bottle it could get rather expensive if used all the time.  Useful to take with you and people will just think it is just some kind of energy drink shot or something.

Overall I found Vicozen to be a decent product that delivers the desired kratom effects.  The only downside being the bitter taste and the price.  

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